inside the mind of the mom next door

Add Texas to the list of states Hope has visited.  On my side of the family, Hope met 2 great aunts and 3rd and 4th cousins.  On Wendy’s side of the family, Hope met 8 aunts and uncles, a great aunt, a great grandmother, and 13 cousins!  It was great for the family to get to see Hope, but it was wonderful that Hope slept through the night 5 out of 9 nights!  Also, Hope slept much better in the car than she did on the plane.

Hope turned 10 weeks old today.  She changes so quickly.  Her behavior changed so much between the ages of 6 weeks and 8 weeks. They have changed even more at 10 weeks.  One of the biggest challenges has been Hope’s eating habits.  We feed her breast milk only, mostly by bottle.  She falls asleep so easily when breast feeding that it’s not good for Wendy or Hope or the process of how the body produces milk.  Hope also falls asleep easily when eating from a bottle.  She has spent an entire morning drinking 4 ounces of milk.  She can drink 1 ounce in 20 minutes and sleep 40 minutes, and she has done this for 4 hours.

Now that she is older, she does this far less often.  She is drinking larger amounts in less time.  Therefore, she is able to go longer between feedings.  It still varies.  The amount, the duration, and the time between feedings are not consistent.  Very often, people ask, “How much does she eat in one sitting?”  I must sound dumb when I say, “I’m not sure.  4 ounces?”  One of the comments I hear a lot is, “She’s eating again?  She just ate.”

I have read articles and heard advice on how to feed your baby a consistent amount at consistent intervals.  In other words, how to put your baby on a schedule.  It is my personal opinion that it is too early to force a schedule on Hope.  In August, it will make our lives much easier to have Hope on a schedule.  She will be 14-15 weeks old by then, and if she has not developed some consistency herself, we will have to impose some on her.  I think she will be much better equipped, at that age, to adapt.

Everything that I’ve read about breast milk says that the baby’s body processes it so efficiently that when she shows signs of hunger, she needs to eat.  The baby is not going to over eat or start eating when she’s not hungry.  I don’t think we should mess with that.  Although, dictating exactly when and how long Hope is going to eat would make our life easier, I think she is too young for us to make her feeding schedule.

Holleman Family

Howe Family

We have found a few things to help us keep Hope awake, so she will eat more.  No, we’re not using a cold, wet cloth.  We are moving around more, changing her position, etc.  It is work, especially when I envisioned feeding her a bottle 4 or 5 times a day for 20 minutes each time.  We’re not there yet.

Comments on: "To Schedule or Not To Schedule" (6)

  1. I breastfed 2 of my 3 [other was adopted] and I found that EVERYONE had an opinion on how much/when/how the baby should eat. I’m with you — you have to go with what the baby tells you she needs. It is hard for those few weeks/months, but so worth it in the end. Love the updates!!

  2. Michelle said:

    She’s worn the Hell out! That is why she slept all night! HAHAHA JUST KIDDING…Connor was sitting on big D in the middle of the Duke basketball court at six months! He traveled with teams! 🙂 I would love to make a quick visit before school starts. I need to check my schedule!

  3. I love that you guys do not mind traveling with a baby!! It’s interesting to me that babies can change so much, week by week. The way they discover something new each day. Will Hope have to go to daycare? I recently began calling daycares to get cost…to see if we can realistically afford one right now. I just hope we find one in our area that does not care if our baby has two moms, it’s not as if they advertise LGBT friendly around here. There is so much to check on before we even get inseminated!

    • We haven’t done our due diligence researching day cares. We had planned for Wendy to take a year off from work and stay at home with Hope for the first year. Now, I will be the stay at home mom. We have found a place in east Nashville that we are going to try part time in September. We are going to put Hope on 2 waiting lists for other day cares (Holly Street and one in Hillsboro Village across the street from the post office on Acklen), but our plan is for Hope to not go to full time day care until August 2012.

      I didn’t think too much about being LGBT friendly or not. I guess we will steer clear of certain church day cares. Otherwise, I expect them to accept our check just like all the others.

      You are smart to research and reserve a spot. I have heard of long waiting lists.

  4. Is there anything cuter than a baby sitting up in a Bumbo chair? I think not!

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