inside the mind of the mom next door

Posts tagged ‘pacifier’

Life in the Fast Lane, Slow Lane, Fast Lane…

tummy time

I chose this title, because on Monday, Hope rolled over from her back to her tummy all by herself before she was 14 weeks old.  She had been rolling from her back to her side for a few days, but she did not look close to being able to go any further.  She rolled over 3 times on Monday.   (more…)

Random Updates

A few years ago, during a team bonding activity, I took a personality test called True Colors.  It changed my life. (more…)

Differing Opinions

You know what they say about opinions… Everybody has one.  There is no one right way to feed a baby, burp a baby, wash a baby, etc.  While all the nurses were very helpful, (more…)